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Local Development

Required tools

  • Python 3 and Pip 3 for development
  • Docker for running Gitlab on local machine
  • jq used in local environment setup scripts
  • pre-commit used to run linters and checks prior to commits made locally

Environment setup

  1. Create virtualenv with Python 3, for example in venv dir which is in .gitignore and activate it:

    python3 -m venv venv
    . venv/bin/activate

  2. Install GitLabForm in develop mode:

    pip install -e .

Now you can run and debug the app locally.

Running unit tests

GitLabForm uses pytest for tests. You can run unit tests directly on your machine or in a Docker container.

Running unit tests locally

To run unit tests locally:

  1. Activate the virtualenv created above

  2. Install the dependencies for tests:

    pip install -e '.[test]'

  3. Run pytest tests/unit to run all the unit tests.

Running unit tests in a Docker container

If you have a problem with installing the test dependencies on your localhost, you can run the tests in Docker container too, like this:

  1. Build the image:
    docker build . -f ./dev/tests.Dockerfile -t gitlabform-tests:latest
  2. Use it to run the tests:
    docker run -it -v $(pwd):/code gitlabform-tests:latest /bin/ash -c "cd /code && pytest tests/acceptance"

Running acceptance tests

Most GitLabForm test are the ones that make real operations on a running GitLab instance. You can run them against a disposable GitLab instance running as a Docker container OR use your own GitLab instance.

Running acceptance tests using GitLab instance in Docker

  1. Run below command to start GitLab in a docker container. Note that it may take a few minutes!
  1. Run pytest tests/acceptance to start all tests. To run only a single class with tests run, f.e.:
  2. pytest tests/acceptance -k "TestArchiveProject". To run a single test method run, f.e.:
  3. pytest tests/acceptance -k "test__set_file_strongly_protected_branch".

Acceptance tests for GitLab paid features

To test features that are only available in paid version of Gitlab, you'll need a Gitlab license so that those features are available and the acceptance tests can use it. You can signup for a Gitlab Trial license. Follow the instructions in Gitlab handbook for details on how to get a license for development purpose. Once you've received a license, take the following step:

  1. Copy your license and save it as an GITLAB_EE_LICENSE environment variable or in a file named Gitlab.gitlab-license. This file is already in .gitignore; so it will not be included in your commit.
  2. Follow the steps mentioned in previous section.

Running acceptance tests using your own GitLab instance

Note: GitLabForm acceptance tests operate own their own groups, projects and users and it should be safe to run them on any GitLab instance. However we do not take any responsibility for it. Please review the code to ensure what it does and run it at your own risk!

  1. Get an admin user API token and put it into GITLAB_TOKEN env variable. Do the same with your GitLab instance URL and put it into GITLAB_URL env variable:

    export GITLAB_URL=""
    export GITLAB_TOKEN="<my admin user API token>"

  2. Run pytest tests/acceptance to start all tests To run only a single class with tests run f.e. pytest tests/acceptance -k "TestArchiveProject".

Preview docs website locally

To make mkdocs build the app website and serve it on your loopback interface do this:

. venv/bin/activate
pip install -e '.[docs]'
mkdocs serve
...and open the provided link (probably in your browser.

Testing types

Please run mypy to test static types:

mypy .
(You may also need to run mypy --install-types --non-interactive)

Code formatting

Please run black to format coding style:

black .