GitLabForm enables you to manage the (GitLab's) Application Settings and:
- Badges
- CI/CD variables
- Members (groups) {share/unshare with group, change access level, optional enforce}
- Members (users) {add/remove user, change access level, optional enforce}
- Members using LDAP Group Links (GitLab Premium (paid) only)
- Members using SAML Group Links (GitLab Premium (paid) only)
- Settings
- Archive/unarchive
- Badges
- CI/CD Job Token Scope
- CI/CD Job Token Scope
- CI/CD variables
- Deploy keys
- Files {add, edit or delete}, with templating based on Jinja2 (now supports custom variables!)
- Integrations
- Members (groups) {share/unshare with group, change access level, optional enforce}
- Members (users) {add/remove user, change access level, optional enforce}
- Merge Requests project-level configuration and approval rules (GitLab Premium (paid) only)
- Pipeline schedules
- Project security settings
- Protected branches:
- access levels (roles) allowed to push/merge/unprotect, allow force push flag,
- users/groups allowed to push/merge/unprotect, code owner approval required flag (GitLab Premium (paid) only),
- Protected environments
- Push Rules (GitLab Premium (paid) only)
- Resource groups
- Settings
- Tags protect/unprotect
- Webhooks
- all projects in your GitLab instance/that you have access to
- a group/subgroup of projects
- a single project
...and a combination of them.