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Deploy keys

Project deploy keys

This section purpose is to manage project deploy keys.

Key names here are just any labels, except if the key name is enforce and is set to true - then only the deploy keys defined here will remain in the project, all other will be deleted.

The values are as documented at Deploy keys API docs, except the id.


  • you have to always provide the whole SSH key under the key. This is a limitation of the GitLab API. You can see an example of this here in the docs.
  • you can set the value of can_push only on the first assignment of the key or its creation. This is a limitation of the GitLab API. See this issue and comment for more information.


      # --- Adding/resetting
      a_friendly_deploy_key_name: # this is just a label
        key: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQDB2QKx6BPzL (...)"
        title: ssh_key_name_that_is_shown_in_gitlab
        can_push: false

        key: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQDtbyEK66RXg (...)"
        title: other_ssh_key_name_that_is_shown_in_gitlab
        can_push: true

      # --- Deleting
        title: different_key_title
        delete: true

      enforce: true # optional