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Merge Requests


This section requires GitLab Premium (paid). (This is a GitLab's limitation, not GitLabForm's.)


The syntax described below has been introduced in v3.4.0 of GitLabForm. The old syntax, that used to be documented here, will still supported until the release of v4.* of GitLabForm, but is deprecated and you should migrate to the new one.

These sections' purpose is to manage the project-Level Merge Requests configuration and rules.


The section merge_requests_approvals keys are as documented at GitLab's project-level Merge Request approvals API, change configuration.

Note that under it the deprecated key approvals_before_merge is NOT allowed in GitLabForm - please use the approvals_required field in the specific rules instead (see below.)


Some Merge Requests-related settings are also set in the project settings.


In the merge_requests_approval_rules section, key names are just any labels, except if the key name is enforce and is set to true - then only the rules defined here will remain in the project, all other will be deleted.

Under each key the contents are as documented at GitLab's project-level Merge Request approvals API, create project-level rule, but additionally, you may use these keys:

  • users - an array of usernames,
  • groups - an array of group/subgroup paths,
  • protected_branches - an array of branch names.

...instead of the built-in keys user_ids, group_ids, protected_branch_ids which require you to provide the internal ids of these entities.


If any of the users or groups is not a member of the project, they cannot be approvers. However GitLab will NOT fail with an error in such case - it's will silently ignore these users and groups. This is GitLab's limitation, not GitLabForm's.


Example 1 - a single approval rule where all the project members can approve, but no approval is required to merged the MR.

Note that rule_type: any_approver field makes it a special kind of rule where you don't have to reference specific users or groups. Also note that you can combine it with any number in approvals_required and any name.

      disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request: true
      any: # this is just a label
        approvals_required: 0
        name: "Any member"
        rule_type: any_approver
      enforce: true

Example 2 - a single approval rule that requires at least 2 approval from the following approvers: user1, user2 and/or the members of the group my-group who will be called "Special approvers" in the GitLab's web UI:

      disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request: true
      default: # this is just a label
        approvals_required: 2
        name: "Special approvers"
          - user1
          - user2
          - my-group
      enforce: true

Example 3 - two approval rules:

  • one that requires at least 1 approval from any member of the security-team group, who will be called "Security Team" in the GitLab's web UI,
  • second that requires at least 1 approval from any of the project members, who will be called "Any member" in the GitLab's web UI.
      disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request: true
      security: # this is just a label
        approvals_required: 1
        name: "Security Team"
          - security-team
      any: # this is just a label
        approvals_required: 1
        name: "Any member"
        rule_type: any_approver
      enforce: true

Example 4 - two approval rules:

  • one that requires at least 1 approval from senior-sre-1 and/or senior-sre-2, who will be called "Senior SRE" in the GitLab's web UI, but this rule will apply only to MRs to the protected branches production and staging,
  • second that requires at least 1 approval from any of the project members, who will be called "Any member" in the GitLab's web UI.
      disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request: true
      senior: # this is just a label
        approvals_required: 1
        name: "Senior SRE"
          - senior-sre-1
          - senior-sre-2
          - production
          - staging
      any: # this is just a label
        approvals_required: 1
        name: "Any member"
        rule_type: any_approver
      enforce: true