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Coding guidelines

Please do:

  • use the common sense,
  • add tests along with the new code that prove that it works:
    • when adding/changing non-trivial logic please add unit tests,
    • for all bug fixes and new features using GitLab API please add acceptance tests
  • use Black code formatter:
    black .
    We recommend and provide a config for pre-commit to generate a pre-commit hook that will automatically reformat your contributions with Black.
  • squash your commits (unless there is a reason not to),
  • try to write good commit message(s),

...and so on.

Additionally, please follow these GitLabForm-specific guidelines:

  • do not uptick version file in your PR - you will quickly have to resolve conflicts if you do that as we release more often than the usual baking time of a PR...

We are open to refactoring but in case of bigger efforts we suggest creating an issue first and discussing what you propose to do before doing it.