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This section purpose is to manage files in the repository. Unlike other sections it does not correspond to any single GitLab API.

You can ensure that files with specific content ARE in the repo or that they ARE NOT in the repo, in specific branch or branches.

Each key in this section is a path to a file in the repo and the values are dicts with keys like:

  • overwrite - if set to false and the file already exists, but has a different content, then it is not changed; default is true,
  • skip_ci - if set to true then the changes to a given file will be done with commits that will not trigger the CI pipeline; default is false,
  • branches - can be a single string all, string protected or an array of branch names,
  • only_first_branch - if set to true then only the first branch from the list above that exists will be processed (unless you pass --strict as cli parameter to the app - then it will fail when trying to process a non-existent branch),
  • commit_message - set this to a custom commit message that will be used by the app; optional,
  • content - the literal contents that should be put into the target file; use this or file,
  • file - the path to the file which content should be put into the target file; use this or content, both absolute and relative paths are supported,
  • template - if set to false then simple templating feature will be disabled; default is true and {{ project }} will be replaced by the project name while {{ group }} by a group name,
  • jinja_env - set this to a dict of key-values that will be used in the target file as a template,
  • delete - if set to true then the target file will be deleted, not created.

Example 1 - initialize with a default README, if custom is not provided:

        overwrite: false
          - develop
        skip_ci: true
        content: |
          This is a default README. Please replace it with a proper one!
        commit_message: Set default README

Example 2 - unify GitLab CI pipeline config in the first branch found: develop or main:

        overwrite: true
          - develop
          - main
        only_first_branch: true
        content: |
            - test

            image: node:6
            stage: test
              - npm test

Example 3 - templates:

        branches: all
        content: |
          Simple templating is supported via jinja2 with two default variables
          {{ project }} will be replaced by project name, while {{ group }} by a group name.
          All occurrences will be replaced.
        branches: all
        template: no
        content: |
          {{ project }} will be rendered literally
        branches: all
        content: |
          {{ foo }} and {{ bar }} are defined by you, but currently only dict is supported for jinja_env.
          Group: {{ group }} and project: {{ project }} are always accessable by jinja.
          foo: "fooz"
          bar: "barz"

Example 4 - deleting files:

        delete: true
          - develop
          - main
        only_first_branch: true
        skip_ci: true